Should you buy a Corolla, a Camry, or a Cadillac?

They are all good cars, but they offer different benefits and come with different price tags. Sometimes you need a no-frills, reliable car that simply gets you from point A to point B. A Corolla may suit you.

Sometimes you need a car that caters to your every need and envelops you with support and luxury. You may want a Cadillac.

But often, you need something in the middle for your business. That’s where the Camry may work.

I’m not trying to sell you a car. But the analogy does help explain the types of advisors and partners that you may encounter for your business.

It’s often easy to find a freelancer who can complete specific tasks – update your website, create infographics, write a press release – under your direction. That’s great, but sometimes you need guidance on what to do, not just how to do it.

There are also many advisory firms out there that can conduct lengthy evaluations and provide smart, detailed plans of what you should do. They will charge handsomely for it, but then charge you more to implement the plan. They are the Cadillac of services.

Most companies need something in between. They need help with expertise to guide the strategy and the know-how to make it happen.  They need a Camry – reliable and well-built but not too fancy.

I work with founders and leaders who are financial experts or subject matter experts for their products.  They know how to build the technology and how to finance the business, but they don’t know how to build an audience for themselves. And when they look for help, they need more than people who can follow their directions and implement them. Big firms bring big ideas and expertise, but that’s often more than the company needs.

Companies need practical strategists who can build the foundation and set the company up for success. That means starting with the basics and helping the company build what it needs, not what it aspires to be in a few years. It means getting in the trenches to understand the barriers and finding creative practical ways to overcome them on a budget.

Great partners meet you where you are and guide you to where you want to be. So make sure you like the car you choose - as you will probably spend a lot of time in it!